Arlington Memorial Chapels receives OGR Exemplary Service Award
Contact: Mark McSweeney
Interim Executive Director
(512) 334-5504
[email protected]
For Immediate Release
INDIANAPOLIS, IN, APRIL 27, 2020 – The International Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) has awarded the Exemplary Service Award to Arlington Memorial Chapels, Inc. of Quezon City, Philippines. The Exemplary Service Award recognizes member firms for the outstanding customer service they provided to families during their time of loss.
The Exemplary Service Awards spotlight professional excellence as demonstrated through comments from client families who respond to OGR’s Family Contact Program surveys; the winners are chosen by a panel of OGR members. Below is the winning comment one family made about Arlington Memorial Chapels, Inc.:
“Arlington Memorial Chapels have been in the business for a long time and know how to make a person's stay at their funeral parlor a place they can call ‘home’. They also know that losing a loved one is a roller coaster of emotions. The Arlington family made sure that as I grieved, I was not burdened with the funeral or burial details. They took care of that for me and my family. In the end, we had more time to spend with relatives and friends who visited and more time to grieve and pray for our loss. From the preparation for the viewing all the way to the burial, they made sure details like the mass prayers, equipment, candle lighting, and food were all in order. The heaviness of losing a loved one was eased because when I think about how they helped me out, I feel like the dignity and honor that my loved one was awarded. When everything was over and my loved one was laid to rest, my tears were joined with a smile because my heart told me that, even at the very end, my family and I were able to show our departed loved one that he was respected and admired. Arlington was able to deliver this impact. We went home knowing we were able to give him the best, heartwarming goodbye that not everyone has the privilege to give. Because of Arlington, I remain forever grateful.”
“The service that Arlington Memorial Chapels provided is just one example of why they received an Exemplary Service Award. We are proud that our member firms practice the basis on which we were founded, The Golden Rule,” said OGR Immediate Past President Tom Hemmerle.
About OGR
Founded in 1928, OGR is affiliated with independent funeral homes throughout North America and overseas that share common goals of exemplary service, uncompromising care and compassion to families in their time of need. For more information, visit