S. Chase Lewis is a 39-year-old funeral director at Lewis Funeral Home and Crematory in Milton, Florida.
How long have you worked in funeral service?
20+ years.
Why did you begin working in funeral service?
I enjoy meeting people and helping them move through the process of losing a loved one and supporting them through their grief. I am the 4th generation of a family- owned funeral home.
What is the most rewarding part of your occupation?
The appreciation felt after helping families navigate the process of losing a loved one.
What are your professional goals?
To own a well-loved funeral home and business.
What are you proud of that you have achieved so far during your career in funeral service?
Respect from the staff and families that I have worked with.
What are some important/notable trends that you have noticed in funeral service?
In my area, we have noticed a move from night-before- service visitations to same-day visitation and/or graveside services. There has also been a decrease in the length of visitations prior to services - they tend to be 1 hour to 30 minutes prior versus 3 hours long.
How do you spend your time outside of work? Is there anything in particular that you enjoy doing?
I work helping a local pole barn builder by ordering blueprints and helping his customers complete paperwork to get building permits through the county. I also order and pick-up job materials (poles, trusses, sheet metal) for the builder and occasionally help with the construction and pouring concrete.
What are three of your personal goals?
To be debt-free, respected and healthy.
Who or what inspires you?
My dad has always inspired me. Also, other funeral home owners and directors who take the time to go to OGR events to learn and strive to provide better services for the families they serve.
What is your favorite phone app?
Gas app, Life 360 and Ring.
What is one thing your peers would be surprised to know about you?
I work a side job with a pole barn builder, hauling materials and building barns.
What is one thing that you think is just “golden,” wonderful or exciting?
When a family I've served goes out of their way to say "Thank you" with a card, a positive review or just stopping by.
What do you value most about OGR?
The friendships I've established and the education it provides.
The organization as a whole tries to ‘follow the Golden Rule.’ What other words do you try to live by?
Always be fair and do the right even when no one is looking.
This message was originally published in the Summer 2022 issue of The Independent® magazine. Click here to read the entire issue.