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Member Roundtable: Taking Time for You Know Who
Thursday, July 17, 2025, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Events

Learn more and register HERE. 

Summer days call to us to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. Yet how can we do this when the phone won't stop ringing, families keep coming, and responsibilities inside seem more important and urgent than anything going on elsewhere? Everyone has heard about the need for self-care, yet few practice it as often as they should. When was the last time you had an "inner child outing" where you just did something purely for fun that got you laughing like you did when you were young? How can you have coverage, yet still rotate staff so everyone gets time away from the funeral home to enjoy some summer fun? It isn't easy, but it is possible (and necessary). Get your sunscreen ready as we toss around some ideas of what to do and how to make sure it happens.