Funeral Directors, We Need You! The Five Pillars of Basic Self-Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.
by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.
We continue to see that funeral directors who are members of the Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) are an especially resourceful group. They look at challenges as opportunities to shift business practices to accommodate changing regulations. They find ways to care for families while maintaining safety protocols. They reach out to one another in support and camaraderie.
Coronavirus Media Interviews: 8 Talking Points for Funeral Directors, Crematory Staff, Cemetarians, and Other Death-Care Workers
by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.
We continue to see that funeral directors who are members of the Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) are an especially resourceful group. They look at challenges as opportunities to shift business practices to accommodate changing regulations. They find ways to care for families while maintaining safety protocols. They reach out to one another in support and camaraderie.
You may be worried about how this pandemic will affect the finances of your funeral home and what steps you should be taking to address the business impact of COVID-19. Dan Isard of The Foresight Companies discussed these steps in a conversation with OGR on Tuesday, March 31. He shared what funeral directors need to know now to make the best business decisions during this time of economic uncertainty.
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, funeral directors are continuing to do what they do best; demonstrate compassion and care to the families they serve and find innovative ways to continue to reach their communities. They put themselves at risk every day to fulfill their calling and often go unrecognized.
This month, we’ll be featuring a few of the men and women who will be facilitating education sessions at OGR’s 2020 Annual Conference & Solution Center in Asheville, NC at the Omni Grove Park Inn. OGR will be hosting a 3-hour deep dive session on Monday afternoon for those who’d like to explore staying competitive in a cremation market.
For Immediate Release
For Immediate Release
“Where there is deep grief, there was great love.”
The International Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) exhibited at NFDA’s Convention & Expo in Chicago, IL last week, where our staff had the chance to reconnect with members and meet other funeral professionals. OGR’s booth was baseball themed (here’s looking at you, Chicago) and anyone who stopped by got an OGR bat and cracker jacks. We wanted to do a quick recap on all the fun we had, so read below if you’re interested.
This article originally appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of the The Independent® magazine.
The complete interview originally appeared in the spring issue of OGR’s quarterly magazine The Independent.
This post is an excerpt from an article that appeared in OGR’s 2019 spring magazine The Independent. (login required)