Support the OGR Foundation through the shopping you already do
Did you know the Order of the Golden Rule Foundation is a registered charity at AmazonSmile? It's a program run by designed to help you support your favorite charity at no cost to you.
Plan to do some shopping through Amazon? Instead of logging in through, login through using your same username and password. The site works exactly the same as the regular Amazon, including availability to all the same products at the same prices. The only difference: Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the charity of your choice - at no cost to you.
When you've logged in, the first menu option across the top will be AmazonSmile. Click that, and you'll be taken to a page that shows your current charity choice on the far right-hand side, as well as a button to change to a different charity.
Click "Change" and search for Order of the Golden Rule Foundation. Once you've selected us, go about your shopping like you always would, knowing that you're helping support the Foundation and its work in helping the next generation of funeral directors.
Want to help more directly? You can always make a donation to the Foundation using our online form. Remember the Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, which means any donation you make directly to the Foundation is tax deductible so be sure to keep us in mind as you make your year-end donations.
Thanks for the reminder. I just added the OGR Foundation as my charity of choice. Now I feel a little bit better about how much I spend on Amazon every month!